My birthday party
We have been very lucky to have such a healthy & happy little boy for the first 12 months of his life. Everyone tells you how fast they grow and you don't believe it until you experience it yourself. We can't wait to keep on celebrating the coming years with this little bundle of joy. Here are some pictures from the birthday party.

famous for 3 seconds on
TV show.

Welcome to the party.

Me & my dad on my birthday.

candy, candy, and candy.
Zabryn, Aunt Jaime, and

Davis loved the balloons.

Grandma & Grandpa

Grandma & Grandpa
My birthday cake.

Me & Uncle Cory

My big cupcake that I got to eat.

Our family

Opening birthday presents

Birthday shirt & party hat.

Digging in

We had such a fun party with just the family. We enjoyed pizza, cake & ice cream. Thanks everyone for the wonderful gifts and helping us celebrate Davis' first birthday.