Our fun experience with baby food
We just started feeding Davis baby food and it's been funny watching him try to figure out what he thinks of it. We started off with sweet potatoes and sweet carrots. He seems to love them as you can tell. I just can't seem to find a good way to feed this chubby boy without it being such a huge mess.
Do I have something on my face?
You never know if he's going to like it or not.
I have a problemThis is how I find Davis in his crib sometimes and it makes me wonder bumper or no bumper? If I take it off he smacks his head against the crib bars and hurts his head. If I leave it on he gets stuck and I'm nervous he may smash his face into the bumper and stop breathing.
YiKeS! So I took it off and then put it back on but look what this little monster ends up doing. I can't believe he moves around so much. I may take it off again just because
you never know.
Another small problemHe loves to sleep on his tummy, Yikes again right? I put him down laying on his back but he loves flipping over. Well since he's been sleeping on his stomach all night long when he wakes up there is a huge puddle of pee on the bed and through his pj's. So every night he pee's the bed even with a diaper on. The best part is after I change him I love to leave him in his diaper, he looks so cute with all the chub hanging out.
You never know what it feels like just being in your diaper or underwear anymore.
You will never know how it's like to eat your own socks with a smile on your face.