Last week we took Devry to the doc for her two week appointment and the doctor said she looks great! she weighs 6lbs 2oz. so she is gaining weight. I had a couple of concerns she started getting super fussy & colic symptoms, acid reflux. Doc has me on a strict diet while breastfeeding to see if she is fussy from dairy products that is passed into the breast milk. No Dairy for me for a while and see if this shakes out. She wakes every 2 1/2 - 3 hours to feed, i don't blame her I'm sure she is starving being to so little. She sleeps in her bouncer chair at night and through the day due to acid reflux. We had a difficult week but I think things are starting to get into a routine and she seems like a happier baby.
Davis loves his little sister, he loves to get her a bow for her hair everyday and always ask where's baby? if she's in the other room or asleep. He isn't as afraid of her and will hold her for 2 min. or until he is done. He will try to hold her hand and give her kisses on her head.

People have been asking if she looks like Davis, I found this picture of Davis when he was two weeks old. I think they kind of look alike. Davis got most of the hair though.