Christmas Eve
We had our annual Christmas Eve dinner at Jaime's home. They made yummy Greek food this year followed by some amazing dessert. They spent a lot of time making Christmas Eve dinner special. We loved looking at their Christmas decorations too.
Look how amazing they all are.
Kitchen tree
Dinner table setting
A pink Christmas tree for Zabryn
It had lots of girly stuff on it.
Dining Room Tree


Family Tree
Family Tree
We started the day off with a sweet Christmas card from Jason. Grandma & Grandpa Jaeger came over to watch Davis open his presents from Santa & from them. He was sure something was going on but still not quite sure what. He had a blast watching us open a new toy every 5 seconds. We had coffee & leftover dessert for breakfast. Thanks for coming over and sharing Christmas morning with us, we loved it.

Grandma & Grandpa Jaeger gave Davis this awesome 4 wheeler for Christmas. He LOVES it so much he had a hard time playing with the other Christmas gifts they got him. They got him books, pj's, a winter jacket and many more toys. Thank you so much for the Christmas gifts.
Grandma & Grandpa Jaeger gave Davis this awesome 4 wheeler for Christmas. He LOVES it so much he had a hard time playing with the other Christmas gifts they got him. They got him books, pj's, a winter jacket and many more toys. Thank you so much for the Christmas gifts.
comes to Davis. I'm pretty sure she was more excited to see Davis open gifts than we were.
This little boy is so spoiled. Just a few gift from Santa & my parents.

Grandpa said " I think Santa's sleigh fell over in our living room".
His cousins Zabryn & Saydra.
Jaime surprised Darlene with the cutiest gift ever. This tree has little pictures of Darlene's mom that passed three years ago. She is going to leave it up year round. She loved it so much.
Jaime, Justin, Zabryn, and Saydra got Davis some really cute toys too. A big boy Lawn Mower that blows bubbles, and a lot of clothes. Zabryn & Saydra helped Davis open some of his presents. Thanks you guys!
Zabryn is such a good helper.
Did I say that Davis is a spoiled little boy. Grandma Darlene bought Davis way too many Christmas gifts. She loves to spoil her Grandchildren. Davis loved all the new toys & cute clothes. He loves the talking dog, Thomas the Train, Mickey Mouse Plane, and that's just to name a few. Thank you so much!
Grandpa Richard gave Davis this Winchester pump .22. This gun is 60 years old. Richard has been waiting for his first grandson so he could pass this wonderful gun down. Jason even remembers being a little boy and shooting this gun. This gun has so many memories and means a lot. Thank you!

He wasn't sure what it was but he loved it. He wouldn't take his eyes off it.

Later on that night we went over to Grandma & Grandpa Jaegers to end this wonderful day. Uncle Cory gave him a blue monkey with a hanging baby monkey on it, so cute! I loved Christmas when I was a little kid, but I love it even more since we had our son. Next year is going to be twice as fun.
Grandpa said " I think Santa's sleigh fell over in our living room".
Off to Grandma Darlene's for brunch and more presents. Darlene makes the best cheese bread every Christmas. This woman slaves over the stove to make sure we have the best brunch on Christmas day. The tables were decorated so cute and everything looked so delicious. Davis was sure excited to see more family throughout the day.
His cousins Zabryn & Saydra.
Jaime surprised Darlene with the cutiest gift ever. This tree has little pictures of Darlene's mom that passed three years ago. She is going to leave it up year round. She loved it so much.
He wasn't sure what it was but he loved it. He wouldn't take his eyes off it.
Later on that night we went over to Grandma & Grandpa Jaegers to end this wonderful day. Uncle Cory gave him a blue monkey with a hanging baby monkey on it, so cute! I loved Christmas when I was a little kid, but I love it even more since we had our son. Next year is going to be twice as fun.
Davis wants to thank everyone for the wonderful gifts and the wonderful food. He is such a lucky little boy to have wonderful family in his life. Spending time with family is what Christmas is all about.
We love you guys & Merry Christmas.